Susan Storm
The Invisible Woman is able to slip in and out of sight without a trace. No matter how intense the battle may be, Susan Storm always keeps her cool, conjuring up impenetrable force fields to protect herself and her team.
Manifest an unseen force field within a chosen area, rendering allies inside undetectable by enemies and providing Healing Over Time. Enemies that pass through the field are slowed.
Release a three-hit combo, the third attack will launch up enemies in front.
Generate a force field at your feet, stepping on it propels you into Invisible state.
Generate a force shield in front of a selected ally. The shield can block damage and provide Healing Over Time to nearby allies. Enemies that pass through the shield are slowed.
Gather psionic energy and then cast it, upon hitting a target, scene, or pressing the {Ability2} key again, it erupts into a psionic vortex, continuously drawing in enemies and causing damage.
Manipulate psionic energy to push or pull enemies in front of you.
Launch a force field that can pierce heroes, flying to maximum distance before returning to Invisible Woman; damaging enemies and healing teammates.
Enter Invisible state some time after disengaging from combat and grant yourself Healing Over Time.
Team Ups
Additional abilities given to you when you're in a team with another character!
Fantastic Four
Sue: Johnny...cough...How many times have I told you? No flames inside the shield! Do you want us to suffocate? Johnny: Oh, sorry, Sis. Forgot how much oxygen my powers burn. Maybe next time you could design it...snugger? Like a suit? Reed: Hmm...Actually, Johnny's idea has merit. A wearable energy shield would reduce space constraints and improve efficiency. Consider Vibranium's energy absorption propert— Ben: Stretch, just say it plain—turn the shield into a vest. Sue: Oh...I should've thought of that earlier! T'Challa's Vibranium suit is perfect inspiration. Johnny: Just make it stylish, Sis. We can't go out in mom clothes. Sue: Stop. Just stop. I'll design it. Reed, check feasibility. Johnny, no more fires. Johnny: No problem-o, just make it hot! Ben: Quit yappin', matchstick. One more word and you're getting snug with the Hudson.
The Invisible Woman taps into her powers, channeling Psionic Might to fortify the entire Fantastic Four team. This formidable force bolsters MISTER FANTASTIC, {105100} and {101700}, granting damage resistance. Once activated, they can continually generate Bonus Health, making up for lost Health with each passing moment.